Why this blog?

Question.:All of the information on this blog can be found using any internet search, so why should you read my blog?
Answer: True you can find the same information but how do you know that what you read is accurate and not just a sales pitch? I try to offer a filtered overview on the subjects that I write about and save you the time of reading through thousands of search results.
Question: You are also in business so isn't your information also suspect.
Answer: Yes of course it is. I believe that a well educated customer is a good customer and do try to offer useful information. I also use links to other sources, usually scientific studies to back up what I write.
I hope that you will do your own research and check my facts and opinions.
I also encourage my readers to comment if they are in disagreement with anything they read here, but please if you do, back it up with research that I can check.

If you read my blog and enjoy it please let me know. If you come across links that are broken or do not seem to take you to the right place please also let me know through comments.
You can also E-mail me directly and use blog comment as the subject. I do not put my E-mail on my blog because of spam, so if you feel strongly enough to E-mail me you will have to go to my web site to get my address.

Thank you